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Aug. 22, 2024

Intel 2 Go: The Most Profitable Food in North America; Friends Who Sabotage You; Ex's Weddings

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John Tesh Podcast

The special episode covers various, rapid-fire topics. 

1. Pet food is the most profitable food item in North America (0:13)
2. 51% of women believe friends sabotage their diets. (1:38)
3. 80% of married people don't trust their spouse to wake them up. (2:53)
4. One in Ten People say they have attended their ex's wedding (4:02)
5. Spouses who hold in anger die earlier. (6:16)
6. 25% of people change toilet paper orientation in others' bathrooms. (8:07)
7. 53% of teens don't know how to jumpstart a car battery. (9:54)

For more information, and to sign up for our private coaching, visit

Our Hosts:
John Tesh: Instagram: @johntesh_ifyl
Gib Gerard: Instagram: @GibGerard X: @GibGerard


00:03 - Intro

00:13 - Pet Food is Profitable

01:38 - Friends Sabotage Diets

02:53 - Unreliable Spousal Alarm Clocks

04:02 - Ex's Weddings

06:16 - Supressing Emotions Kills

08:07 - Changing Strangers' Toilet Paper

09:54 - Teens Can't Jump Start Cars


00:00:03.629 --> 00:00:06.599
Welcome to the podcast.

00:00:03.629 --> 00:00:19.500
This is the intelligence to go episode John Tesh with Gib Gerard. It's rapid fire Intel you can use for yourself or just to impress your friends. Number one, did you know the most profitable food items sold in North America today is pet food?

00:00:16.170 --> 00:00:37.859
I mean, yeah, that makes sense when you think of when you think of profit, you got to think about the cost that it takes to put to make it and as well as the the margins that they get, what they can sell it for. And the reality is that most, most pet food companies, they're using lower quality stuff that you can't you couldn't eat as a as a person, you wouldn't be allowed to sell it to you, but they can sell it to your pet.

00:00:35.609 --> 00:00:37.859
They use a bunch of fillers.

00:00:37.890 --> 00:00:44.969
There are a handful of pet food companies that have human grade food for your pet. I know that.

00:00:41.640 --> 00:02:38.419
We know that because our dog, Leroy, that's that's all he'll eat. Otherwise, he'll throw up on the rug. Yeah, it's either venison or bison, or he'll go on a hunger strike, or, like you said, he'll throw and there's this other thing he has during at the end of the day. It's Dr Marty's freeze dried food and and he's allergic to poultry, so, and we did find this out the hard way, of course, because your carpets ruined. But the dog, I mean, he's, he's a, he's a high end dog. Yes, he he eats like he's got a whole bunch of tech money, like he, he was there for the he was there for a couple IPOs, you know, he sold out early. Google bought his company, and now he just, he just hangs out listen to the Tim Ferriss podcast and tries to optimize his life. Leroy's got tech money. Pretty sure he's gonna have his dog yacht. Yeah, the Winklevoss twins hired him early on, so he has a share of their Facebook shares. Look it up. It's a great Facebook reference. Next 51% of women believe their friends intentionally sabotage their diets. What say? I don't think it's just women look I think it's any friend group wants to keep you where you are. Just think about you go to your high school reunion, and the cool kids still feel like the cool kids, the people that were the people that you met in high school, that were a year older than you when you meet them in your adult life, they still feel, you know, they're like, they're in rarefied air. But however, if you meet somebody who is a year or two older than you in your 40s, you don't think of that person as a different age. You think of them as exactly your age. But the people that you met in high school who are a year or two older, when you meet them again, it's like, oh my gosh, that's so and so she was a senior when I was a when I was a freshman, oh my gosh, you know, so everyone wants to keep you in that box, and you psychologically, you want to stay in that box. So anytime you do something to better yourself to kind of break out of whatever your role is, including dieting, including going to school, including any kind of life changes that that are positive, people are going to resist, consciously or unconscious. So how do you intentionally sabotage somebody's diet?

00:02:38.900 --> 00:02:48.699
I mean, you you always invite them out to brunch. You order them ice cream. You get the pancakes and the waffles, and you go, Oh, you got to try this.

00:02:44.979 --> 00:02:59.080
It's so good, you know, you peer pressure them into having the third Bloody Mary, all of it next. Eight out of 10 married people don't trust their spouse to wake them up in the morning, seriously, and they shouldn't.

00:02:59.319 --> 00:03:05.460
You shouldn't trust your spouse to it. You get yourself an alarm clock, and I'll tell you what.

00:03:02.340 --> 00:03:31.520
It's not your spouse's fault that they don't wake you up properly. Because I can everybody who's in a relationship knows exactly what I'm talking about. Somebody says, Hey, I'm gonna take a nap for 20 minutes. I need you to wake me up at the end of 20 minutes, you go to wake that person up after 20 minutes, and they are mean, yeah, hey, I want to get up and work out in the morning. Wake me up at 530 you wake them up, and they are mean, so you give up. Get yourself an alarm clock, wake yourself up, leave me out of the equation.

00:03:28.759 --> 00:04:04.680
Yeah, well, a lot of times Connie will fall I'll be working late, or something, you know, playing music, or something, Connie will fall asleep with the remote in her hand and and I have to end the TV's blaring, right? And so it's, it's almost like it's Pompeii, right? Like she's frozen in time, frozen in time. And I have to sneak around trying to get it out of her it's almost like, I think you were saying before, you have to have, like, it's like Raiders of a lost, lost ark. You have to have a little bag, little weight, put it in her hand. We should make a fake toy remote that you can use to swap All right, next. One in 10 people say this is crazy.

00:04:04.680 --> 00:04:20.160
They have attended their ex's wedding. I mean, look so for me, and I don't know if this is the case for you, but for me, there's no EX in my life that I care enough about for this to matter. There's nobody that is the one that got away. I'm not.

00:04:20.160 --> 00:04:37.220
I don't feel that feeling. So when, when I hear about this, I go, Yeah, who cares if you, if you go to your ex's wedding, but there are a lot of people out there who still, who still carry a flame for that ex, and if they're going to the wedding, that's, that's a that has a different feel to it. But I just don't, I don't experience this.

00:04:34.040 --> 00:04:40.839
You've, you've had some, some of those, but I don't have that.

00:04:37.220 --> 00:04:51.040
Yeah, yeah. I mean, I was married before I met your mom, but I and, you know, I have a different experience. Where we were, we had rented a house on the beach for the whole family for a week, and and on Saturday.

00:04:51.339 --> 00:05:08.759
And, you know, we live in Los Angeles, right? But in Saturday, every one of Connie's exes showed up. I mean, it was like four of them, they all showed up at the same time. It was like they had a meat. Up or something. Well, they had their regular book club meeting where they talk about the one that got away. They'll have book clubs.

00:05:06.000 --> 00:05:28.759
And then they sit around and they read your books, and then they and then they go, and then they showed up your house. But look, I guess you know, they all these were relatively accomplished men, but you, at the time you were on Entertainment Tonight, you could have destroyed their careers, just which is a little ad lib at the end of one of your pieces.

00:05:25.639 --> 00:05:31.519
You know, what you do? You add 10 years to their birthday. Oh, yeah. Also, they get fired.

00:05:31.519 --> 00:07:07.980
Obviously, they get fired. And look so they were, they weren't coming, you know, like the three they were coming like the three wise men. They followed the stars. They wanted to kiss the ring. They brought you some frankincense, and then they moved on. I can't tell you how many people used to call me doing when I was doing Entertainment Tonight, from 86 to 96 who would try to get their birthdays off. And I would, I would try to help them. But I mean, there, this was a, there was like an ageism thing, where, if you once you cross the 70 year old, or even 60 back then threshold, it was harder to get a job. They would just beg me to get I would try, but the celebrity birthday department wasn't having it. Oh no, there was, it was, it was journalistic integrity at stake. When they came to celebrity birthdays, they couldn't alter that. Still relationships and were in the rapid fire intelligence to go podcast spouses who hold in their anger. They die earlier than expressive couples who argue and then resolve the conflict. My parents were I never saw my parents argue. They would just do the stonewalling thing. They would they would build a bill up there. Was like having a moat between them. I never saw them. All I saw was my dad would go out with a cigarette, a Kent cigarette in the side of his mouth, and a high ball of scotch whiskey, and he would water the yard, you know, and that's how, that's how I knew they're having an argument. You don't think that contributed to the early death as much as the holding in the anger, yeah, the heavy drinking and the smoking, yeah? I surcharge me, yeah, yeah. And my dad, he's he smoked with, with authority. I mean, yeah, he did a thing called Hot boxing. They didn't have filters back then.

00:07:08.100 --> 00:07:11.279
No, no. It was a Kent cigarette.

00:07:08.100 --> 00:07:36.259
It was, if it was the first filter, I think, do you know what hot boxing is? It's where you close the windows and you smoke enough, and then you breathe in your second, your own secondhand smoke. I always thought it was you, you are, you're smoking. When it gets down right near the filter, you take out another cigarette and you light it, and you pass the torch right back into your mouth. So he did a lot of that, not for very long, and we don't think that that was a bigger factor. Okay, next, but so wait.

00:07:36.259 --> 00:07:55.240
I just want to say it's important to express your anger and help your emotions in healthy ways. This is not a license for you to be angry with your spouse all the time because we are telling you that you're gonna live longer. This is a license to maturely and effectively express your emotions in your relationship, and don't hold resentment, because that will, that will create stress and kill yourself.

00:07:55.240 --> 00:08:05.279
I think the Italian to my wife, my also known in my life, also known as my wife, could could hold in a little more. She's gonna live to 140 according to this you're gonna break records.

00:08:05.279 --> 00:08:10.139
Methuselah, better watch out.

00:08:05.279 --> 00:08:30.680
All right, next, 25% of people admit to changing the direction of a toilet paper in somebody else's bathroom. I really what's the prescribed way to have this? Okay, there are two you don't. You don't spend as much time on the internet, as I do, because you get mentioned on the internet, and then you look that up, you don't look at all the random stuff that I look at. In other words, I'm a narcissist.

00:08:31.278 --> 00:09:23.599
I'm gonna use the internet for one thing and one thing only, as opposed to look to see what people are saying about as opposed to, you know, there's a different culture. Okay, so there's a lot of debate about whether you know paper over or paper under is the way to use toilet paper, and everybody, I mean, 90% of people agree that paper over is the way, but there's a handful of paper under people who like the way that it feels to pull the paper under. I mentioned all of this to say I am such a vehement paper over person that if I am in someone's restroom, it's at their house, and I'm trying to use the restaurant, I need toilet paper, and it's and it's oriented under, I'm going to turn it around, oriented over, so that I can use it. And I will not, I will not move it back. So I am with the people who have done this. I have done it. I don't make it a habit. If I'm just in there to wash my hands, I'm not going to touch the toilet paper.

00:09:19.798 --> 00:09:40.460
But if, if I need to use it, I'm switching it to over, because I can't, I can't deal with under I have a feeling that if you did this in our house, that Connie would know in a minute. If she knows she's like a spider, she knows all this stuff. You are an over house. I don't need no idea. I know. You don't realize it. You don't notice this kind of stuff.

00:09:40.759 --> 00:09:55.299
Every toilet, every bathroom in your house, isn't over, isn't over. Overly oriented, Okay, one more thing, and by the way, guys, there's so much stuff we're going through here, you can comment right there in the in the podcast app. We'd love to know what you're saying.

00:09:51.639 --> 00:09:59.919
Finally, 53% of teens say they have no idea how to jumpstart the battery on their car. Yeah.

00:10:00.000 --> 00:10:20.179
Yeah. I mean, I believe it. I think fewer and fewer teens are driving. There's less emphasis on working because cars are computers now, right? So working on your car and just easily changing your oil is not something that a lot of people can and should do anymore. You need a computer to log into your car and see and do the diagnostics. And there's a huge plus side to that, but the downside is the quick and easy.

00:10:20.179 --> 00:10:54.279
You know, self maintenance of your car has become prohibitive for most people, and that includes even being able to find the battery in a lot of cars. I have to tell you that we have an old Volvo in the in the driveway, and I needed to the battery had died, and I needed to, you know, to charge it. Of course, where charging cables and everything. I couldn't find the battery. I actually went, it's embarrassing to say, I went on YouTube and said, How where is the battery in a Volvo S 62,000 whatever it was, and it was like they had 150,000 views.

00:10:56.259 --> 00:11:34.100
Well, but you've just hit on something there. So there's a generation of people, people who are, I'm right on the edge of this, but people are younger than me who have lived there almost their entire lives with the sum total of human knowledge in their pocket everywhere they go. And the expectation is, if I need to know something, I can look it up when I need to know it. However, I will say, knowing how to change a tire and knowing how to jumpstart your car is something you should know before you go on any kind of road trip, because you can find yourself without internet and not being able to look it up. So do yourself a favor if you are in that 50% of teens that don't know how and you're gonna go drive know how to do this before you go on a long road trip.

00:11:31.159 --> 00:11:42.340
Yeah. I mean, as I guys, I grow in my old age, I realize there's, there's two things that I need to survive in that area.

00:11:37.639 --> 00:11:55.840
One is a satellite phone, and the other and the other is AAA, yes, triple A is satellite phone, and you're good to go. By the way, most cell phones are now coming with the satellite upgrade capability. Oh my so you'll be able to call AAA from the middle of the Redwoods if you need to. I love it. That's gib Gerard. I'm John Tesh.

00:11:55.840 --> 00:12:02.259
That's your intelligence to go rapid fire Intel you can use for yourself or just impress your friends. Let us know what you think you.