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Sept. 17, 2024

Proven Memory Tricks, The Power of Talking to Plants, When We're Most Likely to Exercise

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John Tesh Podcast

In this episode of we've got:

A proven memory trick to help you remember anything. (0:43)

We answer the question, "Do your younger kids learn bad habits from their older siblings?" (1:34)

When are you most motivated to start a healthy habit? (3:04)

Food tastes better when it's served like it is in a fancy restaurant! Even Fast Food. (4:42)

Talking to your plants is good for you and the plants (7:59)

Gardening tips (9:45)

The best fruit and the best time to eat it. (10:25)

For more information, and to sign up for our private coaching, visit

Our Hosts:
John Tesh: Instagram: @johntesh_ifyl
Gib Gerard: Instagram: @GibGerard X: @GibGerard


00:03 - Intro

00:43 - Visualization Memory Trick

01:34 - Siblings Cause Bad Habits?

03:04 - Start Good Habits on a Monday

04:42 - Fancy Presentation makes Food Taste Better

06:18 - Falling in Love is Good for Your Mental Health

07:59 - Talk to Your Plants

09:45 - Gardening is Good for You

10:25 - In-Season Fruit and Auto Brewery Syndrome


00:00:02.640 --> 00:03:22.400
All right, thanks for joining us for the podcast. John teshwood, gib Gerard, quick reminder that if you want to go deeper on improving your life, meaning setting more effective goals, developing new skills or just getting a better night's sleep, need to sign up for our weekly live zoom coaching call program. You can do te sh Okay, coming up today, a potpourri of intelligence to improve your life or just make you say, Wow, I had no idea. So if you were served McDonald's at a fancy restaurant, would it taste better? We have the science behind this, also why you should go ahead and talk to your plants, also why we're more likely to exercise and eat healthy earlier in the week. But first, here's a memory trick that sounds bizarre, but it works. It comes from a journal memory and cognition. When you have something you need to remember, like a new password, imagine yourself writing it on a door and then opening that door because a password gives you access, right? Or if you're trying to remember somebody's name. Imagine writing that on a name tag and sticking it on their shirt. Or if you need to remember something at the grocery store, imagine putting it in your cart and then placing it on the conveyor belt at the checkout stand. See it in your mind's eye. The point of this exercise is to link information you're trying to remember to a related action that helps to anchor it in your mind. In the study, older adults were given a memory test, some of them used that technique, and the ones who did outperform the others, the key is to visualize each action, and they have to be related. So gib, do you worry that your youngest kids might be learning bad habits from the older siblings every day? They're actually not, according to the wingnuts, shouldn't say that. A study in the journal child development, the researchers observed hundreds of siblings and discovered that when one child acted out on a regular basis, the other kids in the family were actually more likely to be well behaved, because kids pay close attention to what their siblings do, and they see the impact of their back talk and arguments have on everybody around them, which teaches them how not to behave, what say you so, you know, I'm worried that my oldest bad habits will cascade down, but I have actually seen what this study is talking about. When my old My oldest is she's so good at so many things. One of the things she's bad at is she's not a great listener, and she's very slow getting out of bed and out of the house. Part of that is being a preteen. But you know, it is what it is. My two younger kids will immediately jump up and start getting ready so they can show off that they are the ones that are listening and that they are being more well behaved. So I absolutely see the exact thesis of this study play out in my own life. Yeah, yeah. Happened with my my sisters too, because they were growing up in the 60s, and I was a little kid, you know, well, in the 50s, actually, and I was little kid and and I would see the stuff they were doing, I would just sort of march in with wear a little tie, you know, like five years old. I practice piano today. Am I not the greatest it's intelligence for your life and for your kids. So experts say that this is it. You'll like this. Gib, we're more likely to exercise and eat healthy earlier in the week. Yes, our motivation is highest on Monday and steadily declines right into the toilet. In fact, Google searches on health topics, they dip 30% between Monday and Saturday.

00:03:20.159 --> 00:03:22.400
Wow, oh yeah.

00:03:22.460 --> 00:04:30.259
Look, this is what I say on our coaching call. By the way, if you're interested in coaching, call but I say this to the people on the coaching call all the time, which is, never skip a Monday if you're trying to build a new habit. Monday is the day that you can start any new habit. It's the day that you will eat the healthiest. It's it has the same psychological impact as New Year's Day does on you. So use the Monday as the reset, and it looks like the statistics bear it out that everybody already knows this and is starting to do it. But never skip a Monday. Use the Monday and stay on top of whatever your goals are by creating the habit on the Monday. And when does your when does your motivation start to decline during the day my mom, I mean, 3pm 3pm willpower. Yeah, that's my that's my time when I'm reaching for cake and cookies and muffins and I want to just take a nap and I want to eat Taco Bell. That's 3pm you know what? Connie started doing it, because this has been a real problem for me lately. Is getting that I used to do as an Entertainment Tonight, I'd get one of those little packages of those tiny carrots, oh, yeah, yeah. And the crunchy so hard to eat those things, yeah, it would remind me, and we've done this on the show before too. Remind me that I'm eating something when you hear that crunching.

00:04:30.259 --> 00:04:37.100
It's a great way of having crunchy food that that makes you feel satisfied, but also that's not unhealthy for ironically, the crunching drives are crazy.

00:04:38.839 --> 00:04:57.399
It's a lose, lose situation around these parts. All right, I think I think gib you've tried this at home. If you were served McDonald's at a fancy restaurant, would it taste better? Well, the research says yes. Studies by social scientists at Caltech show the more we pay for our food and the fancier the environment we eat it in, the more we enjoy it.

00:04:57.579 --> 00:05:33.740
Because we think fancy food is supposed to. Tastes better than cheaper food. So I think I heard you say at one time in the program that you sometimes you get faster than plate it, yes, and it's much more satisfying. So we will, if we like, we live a very How do I put this? We're very busy as a family between sports and activities and my kids doing music and all that. So there are definitely several days a week where we will have to stop and get takeout, and the tenant The temptation is to eat the takeout out of the takeout container, like we all do, but if we just take an extra five minutes and make a plate, everybody's more satisfied with their dinner.

00:05:33.800 --> 00:06:15.660
Everybody is happier, and it's more of a family connection time, as opposed to just we're eating because we have to, because we have no other option for food. So I highly recommend this. I think you can get fancier. If you're trying to get your kids to eat food, try new foods at home. You can plate it in fancier ways to make the whole thing seem more enjoyable and more satisfying, but and also make your environment like a nice restaurant. Light candles. Your friend Mark Templeton does. Yeah. Light candles. Make it seem like a fancy restaurant, and use this to your advantage. I think it's a great idea. I really do. My dad used to actually do this because he hated the there was no so long ago, Styrofoam wasn't invented, but he hated it when it would come in those packages. Oh yeah.

00:06:14.339 --> 00:06:26.300
So put it in a nice glass. I love it. Here we go with the latest from the National Institute of Mental Health, yay.

00:06:20.360 --> 00:06:39.319
I can use some help, can't we all to improve your mental health? Fall in love, even if you're already in a relationship. Just fall deeper in love. It turns out that falling in love relationships make people less neurotic, anxious, irritable and insecure.

00:06:39.620 --> 00:06:52.480
So I'm assuming there's a whole bunch of psychologists that came up with this gib but every other than well, even the one I'm in, I'm more neurotic, anxious, not irritable, but they're definitely insecure.

00:06:52.540 --> 00:07:09.480
Oh, so the psychology of relationships changes after about four to seven years. It goes from exciting to relaxing to be in a relationship, and I'm thinking like the seven stages of death is the seven stages of grief.

00:07:04.920 --> 00:07:28.160
And no, it's not so you become it actually has a different neurotransmitter that seeing your loved one impacts after you've been together for a certain amount of time. And that is something you have to one, you have to learn how to embrace but two, you have to learn how to fall back in love with that person, and get those butterflies over and over again.

00:07:25.040 --> 00:07:56.680
So a great exercise is to kind of close your eyes and imagine that you're meeting your spouse or your partner for the first time and and try to try to reengage with the newness of who this person is. Because if you've been together for over five or six years, there are parts about them that are going to be new. There are ways that they approach the world that are going to be different. Learn that like you would if you were dating them, and if you are chronically single. I have people in my life who are like this. I feel bad that we're just saying, hey, just fall in love like I would love to buddy.

00:07:57.579 --> 00:08:38.179
Find me somebody. Okay, every time I bring, bring out the thing about plants, gibs. Gib gets it, but I get a little eye roll because I'm so focused on, on the on the power of plants, secret life, you wouldn't Stevie Wonder, yeah, yeah, yeah. So according to Britain's Royal Horticultural Society, of course, speaking words of encouragement to plants helps them grow. My friend Andrew Wommack, this great healing pastor, same thing. Believes the same thing. University of Notre Dame researchers say it increases our feeling of belonging and connectedness to the world. The experts found that when people interacted with plants daily, they felt more connected to the world around them. If you don't talk, don't have house plants, you can get the same effect by talking to a favorite tree.

00:08:39.438 --> 00:08:53.259
So look, you just mentioned, favorite tree. And I'm sure there's a half of the people listening right now are going, favorite tree. Who has one of those? We do. And the other half of the listeners are going, Oh, I absolutely have a favorite tree. I have a favorite tree.

00:08:50.078 --> 00:09:24.019
I'm gonna go out and talk to my favorite tree. I have house plants. You should get house plants. They're good for your they're good for your indoor environment. They're good for your psychology. And now we know that you can talk to them if you're feeling lonely. It'll help the plant grow. It'll help you feel better. I think in imbuing house plants in your favorite tree with the with a certain amount of emotions, the anthropomorphizing of plants is actually ultimately a good thing, yeah. Can you tell the folks at home what anthropomorphizing means? Means humanizing, making them seem more human, like what people do to their cars, right?

00:09:24.080 --> 00:09:28.220
Yes, you give your if you give your car a name, you are anthropomorphizing your car.

00:09:26.539 --> 00:09:46.179
It's what Stephen King did with the book Christine, right? There was name of the car, right? Did you read that one? Yes, I think so, yeah. And it wasn't that the same car that ended up showing up in Cujo Yeah, yeah. There you go. It's all connected. I think you're right. We're really off the rails. Well, speaking of being off off the rails, do are you still gardening with your kids?

00:09:46.360 --> 00:09:51.100
Yes, we have an outdoor garden.

00:09:46.360 --> 00:10:23.840
We have we do this thing where we take our food waste and we compost it in the backyard. So with this really rich soil in the backyard, we go through phases where we our whole front yard becomes. Uh, like, we grew zucchini and watermelon. These things are huge, massive. Here's the secret. You got to take the zucchini off before it gets huge, because it loses its flavor. You kind of want it slightly smaller and a little bit denser. We've grown tomatoes. We have a we have a peach tree that is flourishing but not producing fruit. We got to figure that out. But yes, so we're constantly looking at the garden. We're constantly making adjustments.

00:10:23.840 --> 00:10:47.259
I feel like we've gotten used to the fruit that that shows up, you know, you know? Dr, Stephen Gundry, and you guys, anybody you wanted to learn about plants and the power of plants in your life and keeping you alive longer. Stephen Gundry, Dr Gundry, plant paradox. But I feel like we've gotten used to, at least in America, North America, are produced having less taste and being smaller just because it ripens on the truck. Sure.

00:10:47.259 --> 00:10:55.120
So you want to have, you want to have a better time, have go to a farmer's market, of course, and get the in season fruit, right?

00:10:55.120 --> 00:11:04.259
There's a lot of and Gundry talks about this when we've interviewed him, and he's mentioned it where, where we have fruit that's out of season.

00:10:59.799 --> 00:12:00.220
It doesn't taste as good, it's got more of the stuff in it that that is not good for you. And he doesn't love all of the sugar in fruit. But, I mean, here's my thing, yeah, and he's, obviously, he's done a ton of research, and I don't think he's wrong. I just, I think that there's, it's very hard to overeat, I agree, and become unhealthy eating fruit, if you're if you're swapping french fries out and you're having a plum instead. I don't care if the plums are out of season, go for it. But that being said, if you want the best possible fruit, you need to, you need to access to those, you know, those locally grown fruits. Here's the other thing that I'd forgotten about, and I was reminded the other day when I was out eating, it was time for dessert. There was a, I can't remember, I'll remember the book in a minute. There was a book when I when I first met your mom, 32 years ago. There was a there was a diet, and it was about how you should eat fruit.

00:11:54.820 --> 00:12:08.879
Don't eat fruit after your meal, you should eat fruit before your meal, and then at least a half hour before before the meal.

00:12:05.340 --> 00:12:21.860
Because what the the hypothesis was that when you when you fill your body with food, especially protein and fat, which takes a while to digest, and then you put the fruit on there, the fruit can't digest as fastly as as fast as it needs to so it turns into alcohol.

00:12:21.919 --> 00:12:53.559
Yeah, it's called Auto brewery syndrome, right? That's right, and that's right. And people, because they've been pulled over in their cars and tested positive, yes, people jail and gotten DUIs without realizing that, without having had any alcohol, knew it had a name. So yes, that can happen unless you have a certain bacterial content in your gut, which is what some people without a brewery syndrome have have it in extreme amounts, and they'll, they'll get very drunk just from eating anything with sugar or gluten. Isn't that crazy? Yeah, I just saw it on the news again.

00:12:53.559 --> 00:12:55.299
I got, got pulled over the DUI.

00:12:53.559 --> 00:13:28.700
I mean, the surprise on their face is like, I haven't, I haven't been drinking, but you had, you had a piece of bread and it turned into beer in your stomach, unbelievable. So it's a real thing. It's not very common. It's a real thing. And I, again, I think, I think this diet concept of not having the fruit stuck in your stomach where it can ferment, I understand where it's coming from. But I also, I just want to encourage anybody who's like, Well, okay, then I'll have the chocolate cake. No, you should have the fruit. That's where I went, right? That's where I go to is like, Oh, well, I shouldn't have fruit. I might as well have cheesecake that's got a little more protein in it.

00:13:25.940 --> 00:13:29.120
Like, no, you better off having the apple.

00:13:29.179 --> 00:13:45.820
And a quick reminder, these are some of the things that a lot of the things that give, and I talk about on the coaching call, which is, which happens every week, and we'd love for you guys to be, to be a part of it. It's people come with their with their problems, and we use our experience and the stuff that we get from our researchers to help them solve their problems.

00:13:45.820 --> 00:13:55.000
It's we have. How many between the two of us, we read every single story that goes on the show naturally. I'm forced to do it.

00:13:51.460 --> 00:14:27.740
You do it naturally. But we also read the stuff that doesn't make it on the show, and it sits in our brains. And so we are able to, like, you know, to call on 20 years of academic research reporting in order to help you figure out what the best code is for your life. Like, that's, that's what we do. We love doing it, yeah, and it's really a combination of, you see, we call it combination of spirituality and intelligence for your life, you know. And between the show that gib and I do together, and also the show that Connie does. You know, we're connected to so many different experts, and I love bathing in this stuff. Yeah.

00:14:27.799 --> 00:14:39.799
We used to call this life coaching on the radio, yep. And now we do life coaching on Zoom, yep, and live, yeah. If you want to join us, check it and that's it for the podcast.

00:14:36.919 --> 00:14:47.320
If you guys would like to reach us again, it's and thank you for liking and surprise, subscribing and doing all that stuff we love, having you guys with us. You.